Welcome to our website teen patti official, Your privacy is our first piority because this is so important to protect your data.In this website we will discuss that how they games work, and use it, regarting to teen patti official.
Information we collect
In this website , when you use it, different type of data we will collect:
- Device Information: Browser date, ip adress etc..
- Usage Data: Time spend, Games visited and other spend options.
- Payment option: User are invested balance ,they all are recorded.
- User information: There device type and user name and other user info.
How we use your information
These are main type why we collect your data:
- To provide a bettter experience.
- Improve your gamming experience.
- Collect your data with enhanced security.
- Providing daily special updates.
Cookies are use to enhance user experince and you also change cookies option in browser setting,to secure your personal data.
As you know security are our first piority and these are enhance day by day. That’s why user experince from security is first.
Children policy
Our services are not for under 18 childrens. And cannot use our services in this age.
Contact us
If you have any type of question regarding to our website,services,use experince and other many types of issue our services are always avaible to contact with you and provide 24 hour customer support avaible.If you have any quarity about our website so contact at [email protected].